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Your 2024 Revolution Keynote!
The Day I Never Thought Would Come-Dealing with a Line
of Duty Death
An in depth and personal view on a line of duty death of fire Lt. Bryon Johnson in 2007. This
presentation is brought to you not by the crews nor the fire chief that were with him that day but
by his widow, Ariana. The class includes information, active interaction, and questions regarding
the accident itself including maps and photos. Included are unique perspectives regarding the
death notification and the days that followed his death. Line of duty deaths are a stressful and life
changing event. This interaction will offer tools and discussion from someone who has been in
the situation from a unique perspective. This class offers an opportunity to spend time to discuss
a line of duty death where the attendees and the instructor can learn from each other. To share
real life experiences in complacency and situational awareness. To gain further understanding on
how different areas may or may not work differently on different fire scenes. Last, to understand
how line of duty death affects both of the firefighter’s family's, work and home, differently.
presentation is brought to you not by the crews nor the fire chief that were with him that day but
by his widow, Ariana. The class includes information, active interaction, and questions regarding
the accident itself including maps and photos. Included are unique perspectives regarding the
death notification and the days that followed his death. Line of duty deaths are a stressful and life
changing event. This interaction will offer tools and discussion from someone who has been in
the situation from a unique perspective. This class offers an opportunity to spend time to discuss
a line of duty death where the attendees and the instructor can learn from each other. To share
real life experiences in complacency and situational awareness. To gain further understanding on
how different areas may or may not work differently on different fire scenes. Last, to understand
how line of duty death affects both of the firefighter’s family's, work and home, differently.
Advanced Drafting Operations (Classroom)
Operating as the supply pumper in the rural environment is one of the most
challenging tasks a pump operator may be assigned. This course is designed to teach students
field proven techniques to overcome the various challenges commonly encountered in the rural
setting, while simultaneously maximizing the supply pumper’s capabilities. Topics covered
include the principles behind drafting, alternative drafting methods that don’t require the use of
primers, multiple intakes drafting operations, multiple dump tank operations, Turbo Draft
operations, and efficient dump and fill site tactics. By the conclusion of this course, the student
shall be capable of overcoming the various challenges the rural environment may present.
This class is required for the hands-on portion of the class. You may take the 8hr HOT class
on Saturday, or Sunday.
challenging tasks a pump operator may be assigned. This course is designed to teach students
field proven techniques to overcome the various challenges commonly encountered in the rural
setting, while simultaneously maximizing the supply pumper’s capabilities. Topics covered
include the principles behind drafting, alternative drafting methods that don’t require the use of
primers, multiple intakes drafting operations, multiple dump tank operations, Turbo Draft
operations, and efficient dump and fill site tactics. By the conclusion of this course, the student
shall be capable of overcoming the various challenges the rural environment may present.
This class is required for the hands-on portion of the class. You may take the 8hr HOT class
on Saturday, or Sunday.
The First Arriving 3. Preparing your Engine Company for
This lecture will lay the foundation for participants to build a solid "battle plan" for anything
from a single-family residential fire to multi-story buildings incidents. This class focuses on the
engine company that is commonly staffed with only 3 personnel. The goal is to improve speed
and efficiency and reduce confusion and duplication of effort for the first arriving Engine by
looking into each riding position and focusing on what tasks need to happen upon arrival. The
necessary training required to ensure your crew is prepared to accomplish these tasks will be
covered as well. This class is open to every rank from firefighter to Chief officer as there will be
information for all levels of experience.
from a single-family residential fire to multi-story buildings incidents. This class focuses on the
engine company that is commonly staffed with only 3 personnel. The goal is to improve speed
and efficiency and reduce confusion and duplication of effort for the first arriving Engine by
looking into each riding position and focusing on what tasks need to happen upon arrival. The
necessary training required to ensure your crew is prepared to accomplish these tasks will be
covered as well. This class is open to every rank from firefighter to Chief officer as there will be
information for all levels of experience.
Running Scared: Risk Management NOT Risk Aversion!
“Risk a lot to save a lot.” “Our safety is our number one priority.” “Hit it hard from the yard!”
“Roof ops. are too dangerous!” “Don’t trust a truss.” “It’s not my emergency.” “Community risk
reduction is the answer.” “Vacant buildings are too dangerous to commit personnel to the
interior.” “Clean cabs don’t make grabs!” Survivability profiling. Transitional attack.
Risk/Benefit Analysis. 2-in/2-out. “We are really an EMS department that goes to fires
If you’ve been around the fire service for any length of time then you’ve probably at least heard
of and, in many cases, discussed (sometimes animatedly) these concepts, terms and mindsets.
While many of these concepts were well-intended and may even contain some fundamental
truths, they have often been distorted and used as cultural weapons within our industry.
“Roof ops. are too dangerous!” “Don’t trust a truss.” “It’s not my emergency.” “Community risk
reduction is the answer.” “Vacant buildings are too dangerous to commit personnel to the
interior.” “Clean cabs don’t make grabs!” Survivability profiling. Transitional attack.
Risk/Benefit Analysis. 2-in/2-out. “We are really an EMS department that goes to fires
If you’ve been around the fire service for any length of time then you’ve probably at least heard
of and, in many cases, discussed (sometimes animatedly) these concepts, terms and mindsets.
While many of these concepts were well-intended and may even contain some fundamental
truths, they have often been distorted and used as cultural weapons within our industry.
The MAYDAY Mental Make-Up
This presentation will reimagine how the Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) is seen and used in
today’s Fire Service. Aspects of RIT including human performance/breathing, firefighter
survival, MAYDAY procedures, victim assessment, air management and victim packaging will
be discussed and explored using real-world data and prior incidents. Based on this data we will
discuss strategy and tactics on how to work as a team from both the inside (victim assessment,
air management, victim packaging and movement) and outside the structure (size-up and
softening) to conduct a successful rescue. Cody will discuss firefighter survival under stress and
the optimal relationship between stress and performance that leads to improved situational
awareness and decision making. This data driven approach will include the works of Lt. Col.
Dave Grossman on psychology and physiology in stressful situations and will result in real-
world and functional options for successfully mitigating the mayday in stressful environments.
today’s Fire Service. Aspects of RIT including human performance/breathing, firefighter
survival, MAYDAY procedures, victim assessment, air management and victim packaging will
be discussed and explored using real-world data and prior incidents. Based on this data we will
discuss strategy and tactics on how to work as a team from both the inside (victim assessment,
air management, victim packaging and movement) and outside the structure (size-up and
softening) to conduct a successful rescue. Cody will discuss firefighter survival under stress and
the optimal relationship between stress and performance that leads to improved situational
awareness and decision making. This data driven approach will include the works of Lt. Col.
Dave Grossman on psychology and physiology in stressful situations and will result in real-
world and functional options for successfully mitigating the mayday in stressful environments.
Training Firefighters to Win on the Fireground
One can make the argument that the traditional approach to training does not adequately prepare
their members to be successful on the fireground. This program is designed to identify the short
comings with the conventional approach to fire service training and offer suggestions to help you
improve your training program. The quality of your service is directly tied to the quality of your
training. This program will help you to close the gap between expectations and performance.
their members to be successful on the fireground. This program is designed to identify the short
comings with the conventional approach to fire service training and offer suggestions to help you
improve your training program. The quality of your service is directly tied to the quality of your
training. This program will help you to close the gap between expectations and performance.
Live Fire Leadership
The Fire Service has spent decades teaching and training current and future officers everything
from building codes, inspections, and Human Resources, but very little about leading firefighters
into complex and dangerous fires.
This fast paced, scenario driven program has been designed to provide students with a realistic
and different view of leading search, Fire Attack, and Mayday situations, all while under live fire
conditions. Students will be challenged to provide size-ups, direct their crew during a variety of
operations and make assignments based on the needs of the incident presented.
from building codes, inspections, and Human Resources, but very little about leading firefighters
into complex and dangerous fires.
This fast paced, scenario driven program has been designed to provide students with a realistic
and different view of leading search, Fire Attack, and Mayday situations, all while under live fire
conditions. Students will be challenged to provide size-ups, direct their crew during a variety of
operations and make assignments based on the needs of the incident presented.
Engineering Excellence
The professional Driver/Engineer must understand and leverage the ENTIRE water delivery
system from start to finish. They must not only understand the “What”, but also the “How” and
the “Why” of their equipment, tactics and their position. Driver/Engineers must truly be masters
of water delivery and application. They are expected to be intimately familiar with the weapons
at their disposal and wield them in a way to maximize their impact on the fire scene. The reality
is great driver/engineers are not made by accident. They are systematically built through
knowledge, training and experience. This class takes an extensive look at water delivery and
application. It delves into the equipment, strategic goals, and tactical deployment models that are
essential to success at the pump panel. It examines extensive technical knowledge, hydraulics,
pump design, hose and nozzle construction, and how our strategies, tactics, equipment impact
our effectiveness on the fireground. If you’re a student of all things ENGINE, this is the class for
system from start to finish. They must not only understand the “What”, but also the “How” and
the “Why” of their equipment, tactics and their position. Driver/Engineers must truly be masters
of water delivery and application. They are expected to be intimately familiar with the weapons
at their disposal and wield them in a way to maximize their impact on the fire scene. The reality
is great driver/engineers are not made by accident. They are systematically built through
knowledge, training and experience. This class takes an extensive look at water delivery and
application. It delves into the equipment, strategic goals, and tactical deployment models that are
essential to success at the pump panel. It examines extensive technical knowledge, hydraulics,
pump design, hose and nozzle construction, and how our strategies, tactics, equipment impact
our effectiveness on the fireground. If you’re a student of all things ENGINE, this is the class for
Rope Rescue Techniques for Wilderness Rescue
The wilderness rescue course will develop real life skills that have real life issues. Natural anchor
points with limited resources will be utilized during this training.
Environmental conditions will determine what methods for rescue will be used during this rescue
training. The student must be proficient in knots and rigging. Be prepared to be physically and
mentally challenged during this class.
Required equipment: rescue harness, rescue helmet, rescue gloves, eye protection, long pants
sleeve shirt and boots.
points with limited resources will be utilized during this training.
Environmental conditions will determine what methods for rescue will be used during this rescue
training. The student must be proficient in knots and rigging. Be prepared to be physically and
mentally challenged during this class.
Required equipment: rescue harness, rescue helmet, rescue gloves, eye protection, long pants
sleeve shirt and boots.
Advanced Drafting Operations
Operating as the supply pumper in the rural environment is one of the most challenging tasks a
pump operator may be assigned. This course is designed to teach students field proven
techniques to overcome the various challenges commonly encountered in the rural setting, while
simultaneously maximizing the supply pumper’s capabilities. Topics covered include the
principles behind drafting, alternative drafting methods that don’t require the use of primers,
multiple intakes drafting operations, multiple dump tank operations, Turbo Draft operations, and
efficient dump and fill site tactics. By the conclusion of this course, the student shall be capable
of overcoming the various challenges the rural environment may present.
pump operator may be assigned. This course is designed to teach students field proven
techniques to overcome the various challenges commonly encountered in the rural setting, while
simultaneously maximizing the supply pumper’s capabilities. Topics covered include the
principles behind drafting, alternative drafting methods that don’t require the use of primers,
multiple intakes drafting operations, multiple dump tank operations, Turbo Draft operations, and
efficient dump and fill site tactics. By the conclusion of this course, the student shall be capable
of overcoming the various challenges the rural environment may present.
The Dynamic Fire Chief
The premier executive chief officer course in the country. This course focusses on often under appreciated administrative duties of the chief officer staff.
The Art of Reading Smoke: The Next Generation
Today’s structure fires are more dangerous than ever before. Lightweight construction, low-mass synthetics, and open space floorplans have created a perfect storm for rapid, prolific fire growth and extreme behavior. It is imperative for firefighters of all ranks and experience levels to be prepared for this new battle. The Art of Reading Smoke, developed by Dave Dodson and continued by Rob Backer, provides the knowledge necessary for first-arriving firefighters, officers, and chief officers to determine the fire’s location, progression, and future “from the seat” before seeing any flame. This knowledge ensures that the correct tactics are implemented for the best possible outcome. Through the extensive use of actual fireground videos, first-time students will develop, and return students will refine their knowledge and skills to become INTELLECTUALLY aggressive firefighters, rather than ARBITRARILY aggressive. The next generation of Reading Smoke brings new research, a new library of videos, and discussion on cancer prevention, tactics and strategies to develop the next generation of aggressive interior firefighting!
Prioritize the Search
Prioritize the Search is a realistic fire environment that promotes a mission first mentality to decrease civilian fire fatalities and maintaining an aggressive mindset. We examine search statistics, forcible entry, search techniques, locating victims and making the grab. You cannot perform adequately if you do not prepare properly. We will spend the first half of the class building foundational knowledge and maximize reps for each student. You could say we are breaking down the basics and growing our abilities. The second half of the class is where the heat will be turned on. Literally. This portion will be real world scenarios that will challenge students to push themselves to their limits. The goal is to provide so much information, reps, skill, and knowledge that when returning to their departments, they can pass on the knowledge to make the difference in decreasing civilian fire fatalities. The whole purpose of our job, right? Students will perform forcible entry, the 10% search and primary searches locating/removing victims in zero visibility conditions. Students will encounter different size victims, different floor surfaces and techniques that will make them successful in each scenario. Only question left to ask. Are you ready to dive in?!
Live Fire Leadership
The Fire Service has spent decades teaching and training current and future officers everything
from building codes, inspections, and Human Resources, but very little about leading firefighters
into complex and dangerous fires.
This fast paced, scenario driven program has been designed to provide students with a realistic
and different view of leading search, Fire Attack, and Mayday situations, all while under live fire
conditions. Students will be challenged to provide size-ups, direct their crew during a variety of
operations and make assignments based on the needs of the incident presented.
from building codes, inspections, and Human Resources, but very little about leading firefighters
into complex and dangerous fires.
This fast paced, scenario driven program has been designed to provide students with a realistic
and different view of leading search, Fire Attack, and Mayday situations, all while under live fire
conditions. Students will be challenged to provide size-ups, direct their crew during a variety of
operations and make assignments based on the needs of the incident presented.
Cruel Intentions
Fires are growing and extending faster in the modern age than they ever have before. We must
ensure that as a nozzleman we can think and act as an independent operator. This class is a deep
dive into understanding the goals of the first engine due, how to operate independently on the
nozzle, and attack the fire with cruel intentions.
Topics covered include:
• Impacts of the modern fire environment
• First due decision making
• Understanding the goals of the nozzle operator
• Critical thinking on the nozzle
• Decision making hierarchy on the nozzle
• Attacking the fire with Cruel Intentions
ensure that as a nozzleman we can think and act as an independent operator. This class is a deep
dive into understanding the goals of the first engine due, how to operate independently on the
nozzle, and attack the fire with cruel intentions.
Topics covered include:
• Impacts of the modern fire environment
• First due decision making
• Understanding the goals of the nozzle operator
• Critical thinking on the nozzle
• Decision making hierarchy on the nozzle
• Attacking the fire with Cruel Intentions
The First Due Brew
The First Due Brew provides focus for any fire officer that is tasked with rapid decision-making
as a first due company at emergency incidents. It has long been said: “So goes the first line, so
goes the fire.” Are you ready for the awesome responsibilities of being the first due at your next
incident? Our incidents are changing in scope, impact, and complexity – and so must our ability
to rapidly survey and decide the right course of action when first arriving. This is not your
TYPICAL size-up class! A truly effective fire officer begins their size-up long before the tones
drop. Dedication to the 4 phases of size-up helps the first-arriving fire officer MAKE RAPID
DECISIONS that make a difference. The First Due Brew will accomplish this goal by
recognizing the changing world we must operate in and by giving you tools to develop a rapid
assessment approach to incidents BEFORE they happen!
as a first due company at emergency incidents. It has long been said: “So goes the first line, so
goes the fire.” Are you ready for the awesome responsibilities of being the first due at your next
incident? Our incidents are changing in scope, impact, and complexity – and so must our ability
to rapidly survey and decide the right course of action when first arriving. This is not your
TYPICAL size-up class! A truly effective fire officer begins their size-up long before the tones
drop. Dedication to the 4 phases of size-up helps the first-arriving fire officer MAKE RAPID
DECISIONS that make a difference. The First Due Brew will accomplish this goal by
recognizing the changing world we must operate in and by giving you tools to develop a rapid
assessment approach to incidents BEFORE they happen!
Engineering Excellence
The professional Driver/Engineer must understand and leverage the ENTIRE water delivery system from start to finish. They must not only understand the “What”, but also the “How” and the “Why” of their equipment, tactics and their position. Driver/Engineers must truly be masters of water delivery and application.They are expected to be intimately familiar with the weapons at their disposal and wield them in a way so as to maximize their impact on the fire scene. The reality is, great driver/engineers are not made by accident. They are systematically built through knowledge, training and experience. This class takes an extensive look at water delivery and application. It delves into the equipment, strategic goals, and tactical deployment models that are essential to success at the pump panel. It examines extensive technical knowledge, hydraulics, pump design, hose and nozzle construction, and how our strategies, tactics, equipment impact our effectiveness on the fireground. If you’re a student of all things ENGINE, this is the class for you!
The Art of the First Due
The Art of the First Due provides focus for any fire officer that is tasked with rapid assessment as a first-arriving decision-maker at incidents. It has long been said: “So goes the first due, so goes the incident.” Our incidents are changing in scope, impact, and complexity – and so must our ability to rapidly survey and decide the right course of action when first arriving. This is not your typical size-up class! This program has been developed to meet one simple goal: Help the first-arriving fire officer MAKE RAPID DECISIONS that make a difference. The Art of the First Due will accomplish this goal by recognizing the changing world we must operate in and by fiving you tools to develop a rapid assessment approach to incidents.
Cruel Intentions
Fires are growing and extending faster in the modern age than they ever have before. We must
ensure that as a nozzleman we can think and act as an independent operator. This class is a deep
dive into understanding the goals of the first engine due, how to operate independently on the
nozzle, and attack the fire with cruel intentions.
Topics covered include:
• Impacts of the modern fire environment
• First due decision making
• Understanding the goals of the nozzle operator
• Critical thinking on the nozzle
• Decision making hierarchy on the nozzle
• Attacking the fire with Cruel Intentions
ensure that as a nozzleman we can think and act as an independent operator. This class is a deep
dive into understanding the goals of the first engine due, how to operate independently on the
nozzle, and attack the fire with cruel intentions.
Topics covered include:
• Impacts of the modern fire environment
• First due decision making
• Understanding the goals of the nozzle operator
• Critical thinking on the nozzle
• Decision making hierarchy on the nozzle
• Attacking the fire with Cruel Intentions
Left Seat Tips and Tricks
There is no doubt that the Driver/Engineer is one of the most critical jobs in any fire company.
This class is a fast-paced look at effective, time-tested techniques, tricks of the trade and tips for
Engineers. We will review tactical considerations on a variety of incidents uniquely from the
perspective of the Engineer. The wide variety of incidents a fire company responds to requires
the Engineer to always be on their game.
This class will impart several, real-world quick tips and will provide valuable training in areas
such as booster back-up, positive and static water supply, relay, tandem and dual pumping
operations, as well as diagnosing and correcting common (and some not-so-common) problems
that Engineers may encounter on scene. Left Seat Tips and Tactics is geared towards current,
newly promoted, and step-up engineers, as well as those firefighters seeking to promote and
company officers looking to provide quality company level training to their crew.
This class is a fast-paced look at effective, time-tested techniques, tricks of the trade and tips for
Engineers. We will review tactical considerations on a variety of incidents uniquely from the
perspective of the Engineer. The wide variety of incidents a fire company responds to requires
the Engineer to always be on their game.
This class will impart several, real-world quick tips and will provide valuable training in areas
such as booster back-up, positive and static water supply, relay, tandem and dual pumping
operations, as well as diagnosing and correcting common (and some not-so-common) problems
that Engineers may encounter on scene. Left Seat Tips and Tactics is geared towards current,
newly promoted, and step-up engineers, as well as those firefighters seeking to promote and
company officers looking to provide quality company level training to their crew.
Maximize Your Extrication
This course is designed to maximize the capabilities with the limited staffing operations we are
facing across the country. With tool selection, tactics and placement we teach the rescuer to be
able to accomplish rapid extrication of any victim they will face. The training and scenarios are
based on twenty years of rescue experience and real-world application. Students from all levels
of experience
facing across the country. With tool selection, tactics and placement we teach the rescuer to be
able to accomplish rapid extrication of any victim they will face. The training and scenarios are
based on twenty years of rescue experience and real-world application. Students from all levels
of experience
Advanced Drafting Operations
Operating as the supply pumper in the rural environment is one of the most challenging tasks a
pump operator may be assigned. This course is designed to teach students field proven
techniques to overcome the various challenges commonly encountered in the rural setting, while
simultaneously maximizing the supply pumper’s capabilities. Topics covered include the
principles behind drafting, alternative drafting methods that don’t require the use of primers,
multiple intakes drafting operations, multiple dump tank operations, Turbo Draft operations, and
efficient dump and fill site tactics. By the conclusion of this course, the student shall be capable
of overcoming the various challenges the rural environment may present.
pump operator may be assigned. This course is designed to teach students field proven
techniques to overcome the various challenges commonly encountered in the rural setting, while
simultaneously maximizing the supply pumper’s capabilities. Topics covered include the
principles behind drafting, alternative drafting methods that don’t require the use of primers,
multiple intakes drafting operations, multiple dump tank operations, Turbo Draft operations, and
efficient dump and fill site tactics. By the conclusion of this course, the student shall be capable
of overcoming the various challenges the rural environment may present.
Beds to Bundles: The Flexibility of Stretching Hoselines
The initial attack line is the backbone of every fireground operation and will have a greater
impact on the outcome of a fire than any other fireground operation. “As the first line goes so
does the fire” – so we must get it right. In doing so, all other operations must support the initial
attack line. This course focuses on multiple aspects of the hoseline operations including the
target flow rate, attack package selection, and estimating the stretch. Will the second line be a
backup line or a second attack line? What about the third line? What about alternate stretches
like rope stretches and lines over ladders? During this course, we will discuss tactical decision
making for fires in single family dwellings, multiple family dwellings, commercial and industrial
buildings, as well as attic fires, cockloft fires, and basement fires. This class will also tackle the
topic of standpipe systems and fires and standpipe equipped buildings.
impact on the outcome of a fire than any other fireground operation. “As the first line goes so
does the fire” – so we must get it right. In doing so, all other operations must support the initial
attack line. This course focuses on multiple aspects of the hoseline operations including the
target flow rate, attack package selection, and estimating the stretch. Will the second line be a
backup line or a second attack line? What about the third line? What about alternate stretches
like rope stretches and lines over ladders? During this course, we will discuss tactical decision
making for fires in single family dwellings, multiple family dwellings, commercial and industrial
buildings, as well as attic fires, cockloft fires, and basement fires. This class will also tackle the
topic of standpipe systems and fires and standpipe equipped buildings.
The Tactical Engine (Reloaded)
The Tactical Engine Reloaded is a down and dirty look at the blue-collar fundamentals of
aggressive engine work. This recently updated class has been stripped down, overhauled and
restructured to add more technical knowledge, real world scenarios and dynamic discussion
points. This class will examine effective tactics for first-alarm assignment engine companies. It
will explore efficiently performing essential fireground tasks, will delve into tactical priorities
and will examine fireground decision making. The class will also address truck work for engines
that don’t have the luxury of properly staffed truck companies arriving in a timely manner.
Subjects covered will include attributes and foundational principles of building a high-
performing engine company, size up, initial actions, water supply considerations, the engine
search, forcible entry, coordinated ventilation, riding assignments, weapon selection, hose line
management, and how to maximize limited staffing/resources in various operational arenas. This
class is geared toward those looking to maximize the performance of their engine company.
aggressive engine work. This recently updated class has been stripped down, overhauled and
restructured to add more technical knowledge, real world scenarios and dynamic discussion
points. This class will examine effective tactics for first-alarm assignment engine companies. It
will explore efficiently performing essential fireground tasks, will delve into tactical priorities
and will examine fireground decision making. The class will also address truck work for engines
that don’t have the luxury of properly staffed truck companies arriving in a timely manner.
Subjects covered will include attributes and foundational principles of building a high-
performing engine company, size up, initial actions, water supply considerations, the engine
search, forcible entry, coordinated ventilation, riding assignments, weapon selection, hose line
management, and how to maximize limited staffing/resources in various operational arenas. This
class is geared toward those looking to maximize the performance of their engine company.
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